





【英文演讲短片:励志短片《没有借口》】#英语演讲视频[超话]##演讲短片##没有借口##励志短片# 别老给自己找借口,你值得拥有更好的人生!Whats stopping you? Are you too tired? Didn’t getenough sleep? Dont have enough energy? Dont have enough time? Is that whatsstopping you right now? Dont have enough money? Is that the thing? Or is thething t上海私人借钱空放hats stopping you? You?什么东西阻碍着你(进步)?你太累了吗?睡眠不足?没有足够的能量?没有足够的时间?是这些东西正在阻碍你吗?没有足够的钱?是这个吗?还是说,就是这些因素阻碍着你?是吗?Recognize the excuses are not valid. Theyre conjured up. Theyre fabricated.They’re lies. And how do you stop the lies? You stop the lies with the truth. Andthe truth is, you have time. You have t上海私人借钱空放he skill. You have the knowledge, andthe support, and the willpower, and the discipline to get it done.要知道这些借口是没有根据的。

它们凭空浮现,全是编造的它们是谎言那么如何阻止谎言?用事实去驱散谎言事实是,你有时间,你有技能,你拥有知识和支持,意志和自律,去完成任务If you ever see me in a Rolls Royce, a six-or seven-star hotel, living my life to the fullest, dont get jealous ofm上海私人借钱空放e, because I worked my ass off to get it. Nobody handed me nothing.如果你看到我坐着劳斯莱斯,住在六星级或七星级的酒店,过着极致充实的生活,请不要嫉妒我,因为这是我拼命工作才获得的。

没人给我任何东西Wake your ass up. Awaken the beast inside. Itsgame on. Its go-season. Its time for you to take advantage of the accessand the resources that you have in your country an上海私人借钱空放d your community. You got aproblem with your life? You got a problem with your environment? Do somethingabout it. If you want it, go get it!醒醒吧。
